Erik on the Deep State, Global Elite and Illuminati – Watch this on Youtube . Channeling Erik – I have been following Erik for a few years now and when Erik stated that sports audiences would be shut down (this was BEFORE 2020) I had a hard time believing – but it happened somehow. Erik has provided exceptional guidance on the meaning of life, what it is like to die and what it is like on the other side and he shares the lessons he learns on the other side. His mother Elisa Medhus has a youtube channel in which she does regular interviews with Erik on an array of subjects with various mediums. It is well worth checking out – there is so much to learn. We are entering into an age of collective consciousness or collective awakening and it is now that the collective moves towards truth and light and with this comes the ability to discern fact from fiction. More and more transcripts will be added so be sure to check back in – including an Interview with Jesus. Please c...
Erik Rune Medhus took his life on October 6, 2009 – he was only 20. Since this tragic day his family grieved – especially his mother Dr. Elisa Medhus. Erik provided comfort by way of visitations, dreams and channeling and has described what it is like to die, what the afterlife is like, what he does there, what it feels like to be a free soul, the nature of thought and reality, the meaning of life and much more. If you grieve the loss of a loved one please see